Sunday, March 24, 2013

Aloha da Suiça

 Para quem já nao sabe eu sou fan numero 1 do Havai. Sao ilhas magicas que te lembram do Brasil e de um paraíso ao mesmo tempo. Também e um lugar encantador que todos deviam ter a chance de conhecer. Entao o meu próximo post vai ser sobre um Brasileiro que mora na Suica e teve a oportunidade de aprender inglês no Havaí! Parece complicado ne? Mais nao, e uma historia bem legal sobre um aventureiro que nasceu em Belo Horizonte que decidiu unir o útil ao agradável.

O Lucas queria fazer um intercambio e atraves de uma agencia ele achou a Global Village. A GV e uma escola de ingles que fica no Havai. E uma escola que ensina ingles de uma forma bem diferente. Alem dos seus alunos ter a escolha de ter estadia no programa, eles também sao bem ocupados com varias atividades divertidas. O Lucas disse que depois de pesquisar e ver o que outros alunos da GV disseram sobre o programa ele finalmente escolheu essa escola. Como eu disse antes ele uniu o util ao agradavel e alem de escapar do frio da suica por cinco meses ele teve a chance de aprender a falar ingles em um verdadeiro paraíso.

Idade:20 anos
Lugar de nascimento:Belo Horizonte MG
Aonde voce mora:Lausanne, Suiça
Porque Suiça:Minha mae é casada com Suiço Alemao entao eu e minha irma tivemos que mudar para la em Abril de 2008

Quais idiomas voce fala:Portugues,Frances, Italiano e agora estou falando Ingles.
O que te levou ao Havai:Queria fazer um intercambio para aprender falar ingles
Porque o Havai:Escolhi o Havai pois como moro na Suiça essa época é muito fria, e gostaria de escolher um lugar mais quente , e sair um pouco da mente Europeia ,olhei no mapa e falei “Pourquoi pas Hawaii” Porque nao Havai ? E assim foi essa aventura
 Como o Havai te lembra do Brasil:Me lembra muito o brasil as pessoas sorrindo , as prais o sol , e os coqueiros principalmente que me faz sentir mais apaixonado por esse pais
O que tem de brasileiro no Havai :No North shore tem muito brasileiros. Tem até mesmo um trailer brasileiro que da para matar a saudades do Brasil . La eles vendem pasteis, Açai , brigadeiros , coxinhas e as frutas tambem.
O que tem de bom para fazer no Havai :Tem varios tipos de atividades como nadar com golfinhos, Skydive, Shark diving, visitar outras ilhas, restaurantes, visitar alguns pontos turisticos, volley, tem passeios de barcos , tem o Daimond Head que é Super Famoso ,para quem gosta de fazer compras Waikiki e Ala Moana Shopping Center é super famoso , tem passeios de Helicópteros, mergulho etc...

O que voce levou de bom do seu intercambio:Levei muito conhecimento desse program , foi uma experiencia unica, levei amizades, responsabilidades, e principalmente o ingles que quando cheguei no Havai nao falava nada , comecei no level 2 e terminei no level 5

O que tem quer para o seu futuro:Quero muito me formar em Hotelaria turismo. Minha meta é formar em aqui na Europa mesmo.
Me diz algo sobre voce:Sou uma pessoa dinamica que adora viajar e conhecer algo novo,algo diferente, viajo todos os meses para algum lugar. Nao gosto de rotina  e de ficar em casa.

Uma Frase:”Viva hoje , pois ontem ja se foi e o amanha talvez nao venha”

Esta e a historia sobre o Lucas e sua experiência com o Havai. Eu queria agradecer o Lucas pelo seu tempo e dizer que foi um prazer poder dividir com todos essa sua aventura. Te desejo muitas viagens, por de sol, ondas, amizades, experiências, etc.

Eu vou colocar em baixo o site da Global Village. Em breve vou estar indo novamente para o Havaí e vou fazer uma matéria com a escola em Inglês. Este tipo de intercâmbio e algo bem legal para quem quer viajar e aprender algo ao mesmo tempo. E como o Lucas eu também garanto que todos vao se apaixonar pelas ilhas do Havai! Obrigada pela visita! Um grande beijo; Aloha a todos e uma semana maravilhosa.

One love. Always.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Packing away =)

Who doesn't love traveling? A time where we can meet a competely new atmosphere and endear ourselves with this world's many amazing places. I adore traveling and if I could I would be on a trip every week. But unfortunately life isn't that easy yet we should always try and make a great situation of every new place we encounter

"Not all those who wonder are lost."
-J.R.R. Tolkien

I must admit that one of the trickiest part of traveling is the packing. The only thing worse than packing is unpacking (the sad reality check that your back home with a bag full of dirty clothes). So  I decided to write his post on some tips to what are essential things to pack when taking a trip. Again each person has their own needs and so this is totally a general idea of what I usually pack. So before blabbing away everything that I pack I decided to ask my Instagram and Facebook friends for tips to what they found was a "must have" in your luggage and here are some of their responses. 

Things we need
Cold airplane, hot sun, lips need moisturizing
Hand sanitizer
Crowded airport & competely new country needs some sanitizing
Hello; need that minty breath for those hot summer nights ;)
You won't get too far without it 
Waterproof, fancy ones, high tech ones or just your iphone to shoot some great memories 
Sunscreen & Lotion
Yes, your skin needs extra protection from that amazing sun tanning you away
Make up & nail polish
Of course make up and the same color nail polish in case a piece chips off 
Motion sickness pills, headache pills, pepto bismol just in case you feel sick
Little black dress
Always pack that little black dress just in case you need to pull it out one night
Don't forget a Gps or an old fashion map to make it even funner
Book or entertainment
Flights sometimes take a while so bring a book or headphones to hear some music
Intimate items
Yes, pads, tampons, wipes, extra undies in case mother nature shows up
Don't forget to take your birth controls you might be on vacation but your body isn't
Background information
Make sure you research the place your going; to not waste any time and find out the fun things to do
Electric chargers
I know you can't live without your phone, so bring the charger (for the camera etc)
Good purse
To keep all your items safe; wallet, money, id and so on.
Good conditioner
The salt water can make your hair super dry, so bring a good conditioner to treat your hair

These are just a few things you should make sure you pack; of course the list goes on and on. What helps me when packing is to make a list. I also try and organize my items all in different sections. Here are a couple of things I always pack (packing for my current trip to hawaii).

I bought this bag at Marshals for $7.99 which I found super cheap and it's great! It's big enough for me to carry all my make up and even my facial necessities. If you look around you'll always find a good deal when getting things to travel. Since I am going to spend money while I am away I always try to spend the least I can on items to take with me.

I always make sure to bring a face wash and I love this one from Neutrogena (pink grapefruit). I also am in awe with this three minute miracle conditioner by Aussie which has helped a lot after a long day with my hair in the water and sand. I also really like the Olay facial cream because it does not leave my face oily and it has sun screen in it. Of course I couldn't forget about my contact solution which is a must. 

 I am a big fan of having lots of bikinis. So what I do every summer is invest in a more expensive bikini like this green one on top from Victoria secret. Then I go around and find more inexpensive bikinis and do sort of a mix and match with what I find. Many times when I go to stores like Tj Maxx and Marshals I'll find good brand bikinis for half of the piece I'd pay in a retail store which is great. I got this bottom one super cheap and it is so colorful. I sometimes buy the pair but many times if I just like a top I will buy it separately and later on match it with something else. 

Cute Outfit Ideas

I got these cool outfit ideas from pin-interest. Which by the way is a great place for you to go and see different styles you could go for. Remember when going somewhere tropical color is key. Bright color is proven to make us happier. So don't be shy and shine away! 

Thank you for taking time to read my post and I hope you like it. When taking a trip remember to always make the most out of every situation. Take the time to yourself, relax and enjoy. This is your vacation which means reality mode off! Don't stress yourself out and set goals prior to leaving. Sit down and make a list to not have to constantly think about what you might forget. One very important phrase I've heard before is when arriving at the place you are traveling to live like the locals. Be happy, smile, enjoy the sun, the wind, the different breezes. Appreciate each sunrise and every sunset. Take notice in all that is around you starting from a little sea shell half broken by your feet. Life is precious and so is our time. Take it upon yourself to not let anything get in your way of having an amazing time. Happy packing and even happier vacation =).

One love, 



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Welcome =)

(This picture was taken at Sunset beach, North Shore HI. On my first trip to the Island of Oahu)

Good Morning :)! Bom Dia! My name is Kamilla but you can call me Milla and welcome to my blog! I love to write and hope I can inspire others by my pieces. I am currently in college as a journalism major and hope that by writing in this blog and getting your feed back I can gain new skills in becoming a better journalist. I am originally from Brazil but live in the United States basically my entire life. I am twenty-three years young (yikes time flies). I am also a single mother to a beautiful little four year old named Sophia. I will be writing each post in not only English but Portuguese, Spanish and whatever other language I conquer. This will be sort of like my daily journal. Thank you for taking the time to read. I would love to hear any feedback. I wish you all an amazing and productive day! 

One love, always.